Halloween Practice Wed. 10/31, 3-Dark, $10
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Thanks for Your Support!
I'd to thank everyone who generously gave to the Gary Gracyk fund last weekend. With your help, we raised over $718 dollars for Gary. We hear that he needed $10,000, and at last we checked he should be over the $9,000 mark from all sources, if not more. Hopefully with your help, Gary will when his fight with Lou Gehrig's disease.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 5:25 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Water Truck is Fixed!
Practice is on for 9/29 & 9/30, 11-5:00, $20 per rider.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 4:51 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Practice Cancelled 9/22 & 9/23
Water trucks are all broke, practice is cancelled for the weekend.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 6:02 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Rare Practice Through the Week!!
After slight deliberation, roughly 5-6 seconds, I have decided to open the track up Thursday Sept. 13 in honor of Rosh Hashana, or whatever that is. Its on my calendar. I took a lap last night, the big track was in good shape. With the little rain we got today, and some sun tomorrow and thursday, it will be perfect. So come on out, weather looks good (fingers crossed). Thursday 4-8, $15. Pets Welcome!
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 9:08 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
Series Trophies are IN!!!!
I got all the trophies! So if you finished 1st-3rd in a class, and are series award elgible, come grab it at open practice. Later!
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 4:56 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Hartford Warmup Part Deux!
Well Sunday was not a real good warmup for a race as prestigious as the Hartford Nationals. So with that in mind, we are opening our doors for one the few times in Cliff history through the week. Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 to 8:00 both days, $15 per rider. A/B & C Tracks will be prepped. No concessions, please bring any food or drink that you need. Also we have new Cliff shirts for sale, they will be available as you come in, $15 per shirt.
This will be the last ride until September 1.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 7:26 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Warmup for The Hartford Nationals Aug. 5th
Warm up for the Hartford Nationals this Sunday (Aug. 5) at Briarcliff. 11-5:00, $20 per rider. Sunday only!! We will not open up Saturday, not even for beer, so do not call and ask. No concessions, we have been asked nicely to renovate our concession trailer by the County Health Department. Construction is slated to be complete by June 2011. So bring plenty of food and drink. Trust me, I will not have anything there to give you, unless you want to drink from the pond.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 10:31 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Spring Series 2007 Video by JJ Romanyak
Our newest track video is now available online! Click on the Videos button to the left to check it out!
Posted by Anonymous at 6:09 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Changes For The Next Race
Just to make it official, we will no longer race any class on the C track. Everyone will race track 1. I have ridden it enough, and I feel as though it is C class friendly enough for all to enjoy. We may cut some of it out for the 50's, but other than that, everyone had better gets some laps in at the next open practice on 6/9 & 6/10. Same drill as before on laps, 4 for all, but the A riders; 7 laps for them.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 4:43 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Series Points Standings
You can find points standings for each class as well as links to round results here:
Posted by Anonymous at 9:01 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
New Practice Dates
We have added many more practice dates, please check out the info under the practice link.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 11:24 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
Pitbike Racing Cancelled
Due to a lack of participation, we will be cancelling the pitbike racing for 6/23. just not enough interest in it. We will still be running pitbike classes at the hog roast rain or shine on 7-7-07, just like last year. And regardless of turn out as well, even if its just me, should be funny if thats the case.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 5:25 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Racing is on for May 19th and 20th
We will be holding two rounds of the Coughlin Toyota Spring Series this weekend. Camping is free friday and saturday, so come make a weekend of it. Pets are allowed, and pitbike racing is still scheduled for saturday following the 2nd motos. For those who have been holding out, this is your chance to be series elgible for awards and product. You must race four events. Hope to see everyone this weekend.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 9:43 AM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Updates & Coughlin Toyota R3
Well we have purchased a new disc to help break up the chisel plow clods. I know that was a major concern amongst riders last weekend. Apparently, nobody shares my enthusiasm for such abuse, but oh well.
Another thing regarding awards. After numerous dissapointed faces, I plan to implement a new award policy. The flyer did say top six, which was to mean we would place up to six places, not a minimum. My fault. I will be handing out top six regardless of class size to the youth riders. These classes include: All 50's, 65's, 85's, supermini, Quad 50-70-90's. We will participation plaques for everyone outside of the top six for all 50's, and 65/85 beginner. As for the rest, we will do half of the class size, rounding up on odd numbers. For example; 6 riders = 3 awards, and 7 riders = 4 awards (vs 3.5).
On better note, R3 of the Coughlin Toyota Series will happen this Sunday, May 6th. Gates open at 6:00, signup at 7:30, and practice at 9:00. Racing will be under way 11:00. Open Practice Saturday, 11:00, $20 per rider, followed by pitbike racing. Camping is free saturday, and yes you can bring your pets. Just no pets in Mom's concession area! Concessions open both days, don't bring any food, you can't beat Mom's kitchen.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 7:25 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
Coughlin Toyota Spring Series Round 2
Well, it looks as though the weather may cooperate a little better for this weekends racing and riding activities. No worries, we have a dozer onsite this weekend to keep up with the changing track conditions. The tracks will be open for practice Saturday April 28th, 11-5:00 pm, $20 per rider. We will be having ptibike racing Saturday afternoon, practice starting at 4:00, and racing around 5:00. All classes pay Briarcliff Buxs, which are good toward entry fees, and gate fees at the track. Then Sunday, April 29th, we will hold the first official race at the Cliff. Gates open at 6:00, signup at 7:30, practice at 9:00, and hopefully racing at 10:30. Gate fees are $10 - ages 13+, $5 for 6-12, and children under 6 are free. Racing fees are $20 for the first class, $15 for the second. All riders must be AMA/ATVA memebers, memberships will be sold at the track. No district card required.
The makeup date for the April 15th washout, will be May 19th. This makes that weekend a 2 day event.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 5:26 AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Coughlin Toyota Event Shirts!!
The new shirts for the Coughlin Toyota Spring Series have arrived. We have Adult XL, L, M and Youth L at this time. The normal Youth sizes are not available yet. All shirts are $15.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 4:52 AM
Monday, April 16, 2007
Open Practice 4/21 - 4/22
Open Practice this weekend Sat/Sun. 11-5:00, $20 per rider.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 11:27 AM
4/15 Opener Rained Out
Unfortunately mother nature has our number. Not even the cliff could withstand over eight hours of rain on Saturday. I'd like to thank everyone who braved the elements Saturday to ride. There were ~80 dedicated soles that came out to check the pad out. We will re-schedule the race date. I will have that decision made by the next race; 4/29. Thanks for the support!
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 4:49 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Coughlin Toyota Spring Series Kickoff
We'll the time has finally arrived. This Sunday we'll kick off not just the first round of the Coughlin Toyota Spring Series, but the first full motocross race at Briarcliff Mx. Gates open at 6:00, signup from 7:30-10:00, practice at 9:00, racing at 10:30. Be on time, if your running late, better plan on watching races, because signup closes at 10:00 am, and practice ends at 10:00 am. Gate admission is $10 for ages 13+, $5 for ages 6-12, under 6 are free. Racing is $20 for the first class, the second is $15, "A" classes are $30. ALL MINORS (under 18) must have a parent or legal gaurdian present at signup, or a notorized AMA release, no exceptions. Concessions will be open (Mom's awake from her winter slumber).
Saturday open practice 11-5:00, $20 per rider, no concessions.
Pitbike Racing Saturday afternoon; practice at 4:00, Racing at 5:00, 1st class is $15, 2nd class is $10, pays back Briarcliff buxs for all classes. All Briarcliff buxs are good toward gate and signup fees at the track, not reedemable for cash.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 4:47 AM
Friday, February 23, 2007
Spring Series Update
We would like to thank Coughlin Toyota for climbing aboard for our Spring Series. With their support we can garantee series awards to the top six in each class. On July 7th we will be handing out all series awards at the second annual Hog Heaven Pitbike National. It will be a free day for all participants of the Spring Series, we will have some open practice, followed by the series awards presentation with the hog roast cookout, and then we will begin the pitbike racing, and wrap up the evening with live bands.Thanks to ATV Sport Magazine, We are able to offer a free one year subscription to ATV Sport for anyone who signs up for a quad class during our Coughlin Toyota Spring Series.
Also, Want to thank John at Updog Industries. We have decided to team up on advertising banners to be displayed at the track. If you know anyone who is interested in advertising at Briarcliff, we have one smoking deal for them. We will get them hooked up with advertising for the whole season on a high quality 3' x 8' (these are huge) vinyl banner for $400. You have to see these banners to appreciate them. Real picture quality, they look nice! At the end of the season you get your banner, or we can put it up next year at a discounted rate. John said they last 2-3 years in the weather. Shoot me a pm, if anyone is interested.
Posted by Briarcliff 1 at 4:27 AM
Monday, February 19, 2007
Briarcliff MX Logo Shirts
Briarcliff Motocross, LLC is selling logo shirts. Initial run of shirts are all black with the white/red logo on the chest, and are newly adopted slogan on the back; "Ride the Cliff, Race Anyplace" in white letters. Initial run sizes are XL, L, M. More sizes and colors are coming soon. Each shirt is $15 and are available for pickup at the track, YOC, Balderson Dodge in Zanesville, or I can send them anywhere in Ohio for an extra $3.00 US mail.
Please contact us by email to order.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:09 PM